Originally Posted By: BrenR
 Originally Posted By: St_PatGuy
Recently, I've been toying with the idea of using my stimulus check to purchase a single action revolver, maybe from Ruger, to satisfy my wild west machismo.
Cowboy Action Shooting has seemed to have taken off, everyone (but me) seems to like the Vaquero from Ruger at the price point. Personally, I hate the half-round rear sight on them (aka the 'ehhh... in this general direction' sight)... but I'm a bullseye shooter... I expect a little better than "on the paper."

Bren R.

Geez, Bren, real men shoot from the hip. ;\)

Since my aim is marginal at best, I don't think it'll hurt me.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose