So glad you like them! I too love my M60's.

I just had a guy over on Monday night demoing my M60's. He had said that he had been hearing Dave Matthews on many of the other speakers he'd listened to, but thought perhaps that was a bad choice because it sounded quite "muddy". Having the Crash cd myself I knew that the cd was actually a very clean sounding treat. I through it in and he was quite amazed. Axiom's clarity is stunning. Then next thing he asked was if I had the full 7.1 system running. Nope...just the M60's and my Hsu. I'm not sure he believed me because I saw him walk over to my QS8's and put his ear up to them. Hahahahaha...

Needless to say he was very impressed. He plans on hearing some Rockets this week as well. So far he says the M60's and some Paradigm's are in the running. I asked him to keep us posted on his decision. Hopefully he will.