I had a similar problem. When listening to a 2 channel cd I was getting a 5.1 one hundered something kHz signal sent to the receiver. I wasn't able to change the receiver to all channel stereo or anything else really. So here is what I changed. Go to sound settings then audio output settings and if you select hdmi auto then it will be fine as suggested. Or if you select manual then look up what kind of DA converters you have in your receiver in the manual. My Onkyo has 192kHz/24-bit ones so I selected Dolby Digital, AAC, DTX, 44.1 kHz 2 channel pcm (this one you can't not select), 48 kHz 2 channel pcm, 192 kHz 5.1 pcm and 192 kHz 7.1 pcm. I had them all selected before. After I changed this I got 2 channel 48 kHz pcm to the receiver as it should be. I was able to select any processing at all on my receiver then.

- Nick