Hi Bruno

I currently own the Energy Veritas 2.3s, Veritas 2.0 center and a pair of Axiom QS8s for surrounds, and an Energy 10" sub. My rig is Anthem AVM20 powered by Anthem MC20 and Adcom GFA7400.

Not so long ago, I was intent on replacing my Veritas 2.3 mains because I felt like they really lacked bass. The highs are excellent and the mids are truly amazing, especially on female vocals, but their twin 6.5" drivers did not produce enough bass I thought, I love bass and lot's of it.. but not at the detriment of the other frequencies, in short, I'm very picky and I want it all in spades.

Because I'm talking specifically of bass here, I auditioned the RF82s but was thinking more about the RF83s.

After my audition of the RF82s, I was quite disapointed. And I must tell you that I am ok with the Klipsch sound, I've had a pair of Promedia 4.1s and now 5.1s playing my computer tunes since the very first set were sold in my city.

I came away with the following impressions of the RF82.

The highs were to harsh, screechy, peircing etc..
The mids wore non existent.. remember my Veritas truly excelled in mids.

And most surprisingly, the bass was really not that good at all.. it was not tight and not " visceral " like was I was expecting.

In the end, I moved my Veritas to another room in the house (they were in the basement) and was completely blown away by their bass output.. so, it was not the speakers after all, but the room acoustics.. which is also very important, in fact I would dare say it's KEY to getting really good sound from ANY speakers.

I've sinced made some acoustic corrections with bass traps and absorbers (it's still a work in progress !) and my Veritas sound quite good now in my basement. Good enough that I don't feel like selling them to get " bigger speakers" for more bass.

I have never heard the Axiom M80s, but some people have compared them to my Veritas 2.3s, which cost much more than the M80s.

As an aside, my cousin is also builing a HT room / system from scracth and I am totaly getting him to buy a full Axiom kit.. M80s, VP150, QS8s and EP500.

I know they will sound amazing.. and I can't wait to here them.



Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400