Any thoughts out there about placing an EP600 directly behind a seat? This would be a couch only used by guests on movie nights, straddling a corner of the room so there's a triangle of floor space behind it. I'd never really thought of an EP600 before, but have been offered one at a substantial discount and am mulling it over. From the specs it looks as though the driver would be at lower back level, behind the couch back if place vertically. Would that be too deafening / uncomfortable for someone sitting a foot or so away from the front face? It could be aimed parallel to one of the walls to lessen the impact, or even place on the floor so that it'd fire out between that couch's legs (7" clearance). Alternative sites would be next to glass sliders, or next to the DLP set between the mains. I'd see what worked best when it arrived, but am curious about whether having it right behind seating would even be potentially feasible.