I used it as a pre in a 2 channel setup along with an MSB Link DAC and an Odyssey amp. I had read some good things about CIA so I ordered one just for the hell of it because thay had a 30 day return policy. I found that there was no difference in sound between it and the Creek OBH-12 that I already had and the Creek had a remote volume control.

It did however "sound" better than a B&K PT-3 that I also had. The B&K seemed to add a bit of grain to the sound. The CIA and the Creek although not grainy like the B&K, still had a hint of grain. I also had a Decware ZSLA-1 tube line stage which produced a wonderful holographic sound stage with a hint of the tube "magic"(I knownot acurate but pleasing non the less). I also returned the ZSLA-1 because the unit they sent had a slight intermittent "crackel" in the left channel. But "crackel" aside , I did like what it did in my system but it has very few features. In fact, it has no features.

The grain that I mentioned in these products was not overwhelming and did not overtly stand out and you had to listen very closely to detect it. Not bad considering that my point of reference for the comparison is an Anthem Pre 2L SE that cost 6 times as much.

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.