Last night I replayed the 10th Proms Concert(available for six more days), which I enjoyed the most so far. On Part 1 the concert began with the first public performance(lost for about 80 years)of Bax's In Memoriam, commemorating the execution of an Irish revolutionary friend of his. Pleasant work, certainly far superior to some of the aural garbage some "modern" classical composers have been trying to pass off as music during the past 50 years or so. It continued with the Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 1, a remarkable composition, especially for a 17 year-old.

After the intermission program, on Part 2 , the Vaughan Williams Symphony No. 4 was played. Vaughan Williams is one of my favorite composers(I have three complete sets of his nine symphonies plus some individual discs)and this year the Proms is featuring many of his works, commemorating the 50th year after his death.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.