Hi, Jack and welcome. Yeah, as the previous replies indicated, the Algonquins wouldn't really do the job, except for the folks in the press box or sitting near it. Although they're "outdoor speakers", this means that they're been modified to handle outdoor weather conditions, not that they have the output capacity for crowds a considerable distance away outdoors. Typical listening distances of maybe 10-20' feet are fine outdoors, but with little sound level reinforcement from surrounding surfaces the level drops off more nearly at the theoretical 6dB per doubling of distance that applies anechoically. PA-type speakers have max output capacities at the usual 1 meter distance as high as 130dB, and although your stadium is relatively small, just a pair of regular outdoor speakers on the press box wouldn't be loud enough if(hopefully)there were some fans in the farthest seats.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.