Originally Posted By: Murph
If money is no object, could you get the M80s shipped to a depot of some kind, outside of the base, and pick them up yourself sometime?

That aside, don't feel bad about getting M60s, I own two pairs and I always say that I can't imagine anything sounding better than they do. I'm sure the 80s may be a bit better but it is all relative to what you are used to. The 60s will BLOW YOU AWAY. Errr maybe I should not put it quiet that way, considering your profession.... Thank you for what you do though!

I've thought about that. I know if I choose the "germany" selection its almost 900 euro. Thats alot of dollars. I could have em sent to my rents then have them ship it to a german address but the shipping is gonna be horrid. I think M82s will be glorious enough. I MIGHT not be getting that car because they are asking too much so i might have even more money to waste ;\) The m60s will blow me away? I hope so. I'll be upgrading from m22s/m2/vp100/hsu 250watt sub so I wonder how much of a bump it will give me. Maybe a lil more BOOM in my music? \:\)

Denon 3808, M22s, M2s, VP100, Hsu sub