Okay, you guys are just showing off with the pictures now. I'm going to have to get some pictures of my setup this weekend when I get home. Mainly because you'll all crack up when you realize I'm watching/listening to several thousand dollars of A/V equipment while sitting in a camping chair.

Why you ask?

Because I'm a genius and I spent another several thousand dollars on two beautiful couches that I couldn't wedge through the basement door and haven't figured out the alternative yet. (theater seats perhaps?)

I'll post pics of those too :-)

Oooh...and the new M80's in my living room stereo setup that I bought because I hated going to the basement to enjoy music...in my camping chair.


P.S. If you hadn't guessed, I'm painfully single. I presume a wife would have killed me by now for any of the 'errors' above. Fortunately I wouldn't have heard her approaching over the speakers \:D

My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore