Originally Posted By: myrison
 Originally Posted By: Listener
I just tried this. There is a rumble. I have the volume set at 50% to achieve this however. Also it seems like even when there is no music playing the sub hums. Perhaps my expectations are simply unrealistic. I just remember when i heard a polk system at tweeter once (Watched transporter) during explosions and gunshots you could almost feel them.

Sorry if I missed it, did you turn off Audyssey as well? To me, this still sounds like something is wrong. You should definitely get that palpable feeling of bass on explosions. If you've checked all of the above and still aren't happy with the bass levels, you probably need to start looking more seriously at sub positioning.

If you haven't done this yet, make sure to do the Subwoofer Crawl. While I realize this process is frustrating, successful subwoofer calibration is one of the hardest pieces to get right in your room, so just keep at it for a bit while we rule out all potential issues. When I first got my 600, I was initially very disappointed until I found out that my original position caused a 15 dB null (drop in bass) in my main listening position. The null was at a frequency that made the effects of most HT explosions very sub-par. Once I moved it to a new position, it was like someone breathed new life into the sub. You might have the same problem.


Yes i did turn Audyssey off. So far the bass improved somewhat, but I'm not sure if this is due to the sub or the fact i'm running LFE+MAINS. I will do the sub crawl when i get a chance for now i had to go to work. It does sound like something isn't right since I have to turn the volume up so far in order to get decent bass on music. Once I do this I get decent bass on music, but still not enough for HT.

PeachTree 65se, PeachTree D5 and SVS SB1000 - Stereo
M80s, M22s, SVS PB3000