Nevermind, it was a poorly charged Nyko controller. One of the buttons may have been stuck.

Why do I never learn my lesson with 3rd party accessories?

As a side note, I was concerned with the animation style of Clone Wars because it was so different from the original on Cartoon Network. I have to say that I'm quite impressed. Stunning graphics even on my 480p plasma. (yes, I know why is he running a BR player on a 480p display...I wish the market were better than I could justify a new 1080p display at Black Friday prices)

One thing that does bother me, the human movement animation bothers me. The walking isn't very smooth, everyone seems to walk like robots.

Also, I seem to keep re-inserting this DVD just to hear the new THX intro. This is not even CLOSE to the old robot one. Wow, it really does a number on my VTF2 and QS8s, in a good way.