Originally Posted By: jakewash
Nick, I think David may have been asking about buying online as the B&M stores are selling out and he is hoping to find one online opposed to waiting in a line up at 4AM, but I think at this time of year, unless you are very lucky and drop into a store as the shipment arrives, waiting in line on a Thursday or Friday night might be the only way.

I see them advertised every week at all of the major stores. Heck, even on Black Friday (Sorry, you can't borrow my time machine.) my local Walmart had gotten in 120 of them, and they weren't the "hot" item so it took a while for them to sell, and I don't know if they even sold out of them. I saw them at Target, Toys R Us, Best Buy, and GameStop stores last Friday, and the only place that I was at when they opened was Walmart.

There are a lot of them out there, but here is something to do. Pick up the phone and give a couple places a call. Ask when they expect to get a shipment in, or when there regular shipments come in and then visit or call the store the next morning since they stock the shelves overnight. WIth a few phone calls and a little effort, you should be able to pick one up locally. Otherwise you will have to check the online stores multiple times a day just to see if they marked any more as "in stock" and that will actually start to take up more time and energy than calling the local places.

Good luck!

Farewell - June 4, 2020