This may be a little off topic but I wanted to see what you fellas thought about this idea. What do you think about a part time business doing home theater demos in peoples homes. Bare with me for a second. Within their budget, bring 3-5 sets of speakers, one or two good mid level receivers, and a couple of dvd/cd players. Make them all good bang for the buck products( Axiom as a good example). Pre-program the receivers before you arrive (to save time) and once their, wire all the speakers through an a/b switch just as if it were at the store. You could use telescoping speaker stands to experiment and optimize placement in their home. It would give them a perfect idea of speaker size and of aesthetics at the same time. I believe you could be set up and goin in less than a half hour. I have a good relationship with a few of the stereo shops in town and believe I could work off their inventory and then refer the sales to them for maybe a small referral seems like a win win. The shop makes a sale without having to pay a sales person and I make a little in the process. Maybe own a couple of receivers and a couple of nice book shelves (M3's & M22's) that you like and are comfortable with. Say you have 2 1/2hrs total time invested and you charge 75.00 for the service. Do you think their would be a market for that? All input, good or bad, would be greatly appreciated. I would like to apologize if this is a little off topic and thanks in advance for indulging me.