Originally Posted By: jakewash
I find it hard to beleive that even Monster has a 4 Meter cable for that much

Monster HDMI

I saw a different display of Monster speaker cable this past week at a Circuit City. Like the old 'light bulb" demo, this one had two spools of wire...probably each 75~100'. The one on the left looked like 22 or even 24 gauge, and the massive spool on the right was monster 12 or 14 gauge. In between was a switch to choose which spool was "in line". Where this display differed was that it had two Boston Acoustic speakers mounted on it with instructions to "hear the difference" between Monster Speaker Wire and ordinary wire.

The display was not working, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could hear a difference.

Of course, it's apples-to-oranges in that the two spools are vastly different gauges. What isn't obvious to most people who don't understand these things is that a generic brand of "ordinary speaker wire" (but of a gauge suitable for the length) will sound exactly the same for 1/20th the price.

I really, really hate Monster and for the life of me can't believe someone doesn't take them down with a truth-in-advertising suit.

I want to bring a big marker to the store and deface the display. I want to stand outside the store and hand out educational material to consumers.

They rip off people who trust the store clerk and don't know better....especially this time of year when people buy "outside their expertise" for gifts. They represent the worst kind of corporate greed, and they've been doing it for years. Their deceptive marketing rips people off for hundreds of dollars at a time, and they do it in the open in well-lit stores and with a smile.

More than Enron. More than unscrupulous home loan officers. I really f***ing hate them.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::