The only thing that struck me about this review was the arbitrary ranking out of 10. He made strongly positive comments about the M3's, QS4 and EP175, mentioned a few problems which seem relatively minor, then slapped a "6/10" label on the system. What does that mean?

The only thing sillier are of course Home Theater's asinine markings for electronics. What on earth does Value 97 mean versus 94? Is it 3% cheaper? How substantial is the difference between an Ergonomics score of 78 versus 81? How does one measure 3% differences in performance, let alone "build quality" or ease of use.

Though they tend to be "audiophile" oriented (i.e. nitpicky to the nth degree), and never really say anything bad about a product, I'm really impressed with the Soundstage network reviews. They're through, and give an exhaustive description of what to expect when listening to a speaker.

Well, that and they started out as a Canadian publication