Originally Posted By: kcarlile
I'd like to tweak, it just gets frustrating. So fergit it.

I still want an A1400-8. ;\)

I love to tweak and I used to have patience in my natural state, i.e., before I became a citizen of the corporate state; but now I have no time for hobbies, since graduate school, in an increasing spiral, I "spend" all my time working to pay off my student loan, and the rest of my financial obligations.

That's why why I bought the 1400 so I could fix everything without having to constantly twiddle, which is time I can no longer afford; you know I think the 1400 is a good solution in my setting. I'm still twiddling, but I think it's the fault of other weak links in the chain; time will tell. Truth be told (my confession) I wish I'd picked up an 3808 so the outcome would have been more clear, although still I don't kick myself because prior to the firmware upgrade it wasn't clear to me that the features were cutting edge.

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."