Bob, as Grunt mentioned, take some reviews with a grain of salt. I've been on audio review's website numerous times reading about a number of speakers including Axiom, Monitor Audio, PSB ect. When you see an overall rating of say 4.8 out of 5 and there are 30-50 reviews, I find that revealing. What I also find revealing is when you get 1 or 2 people slamming the same speaker that the vast majority likes, including the "pro" reviewers. You have to wonder why someone would give a '1 star rating' to a speaker, whether Axiom or another brand, when so many professional reviewers and novices alike think they are incredible. I tend to discount any review which is over the top, good or bad and base most of my research on 'pro' reviews as well as my own ears. There are definetly fanboys out there as well as people trying to promote certain products. I, too, have seen a few people claim that Axiom's, as well as Paradigm, B&W and Mon A's are "bright", some even want you to think they might even sound harsh. Everyones entitled to their own opinion, of course, but I don't really believe anyone could review any speaker in the $1000+ price range and give it a '1 star' worst maybe a 3 unless the product was actually defective. Many people, as noted earlier, have opinions on speakers they've never actually heard before, or possibly were using poor equipment or the speakers revealed all the flaws in a poor recording.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.