I see we got sidetracked and didn't answer your question with respect to very young children in particular. My memories of those distant years are already hazy--could I still change a diaper in my sleep? I'm not sure--but I do remember one album that we listened to over and over again at bedtime, and which I actually grew to like more rather than less over time. Our copy long ago vanished, but I think it was "Disney Babies: Lullaby." It ends with a perfectly heartbreaking vocal/acoustic bass duet of "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes." (There is also a similarly titled but different "Disney's Lullaby Album," which I haven't heard.) Here's the link at amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000001M0Z/ref=m_art_li_1/103-5473838-5761455?v=glance&s=music

As the kids get older, the "Disney Classics" series come in handy, too.

P.S. Approach Raffi with great caution. The kids may like it, but you probably won't.