Originally Posted By: jakewash
To keep direct radiating rear channel speakers and QS's for the same set up isn't possible

They must have gotten ride of that option. On my AVR 3300, you have surround A and surround B posts. In the system config you set the A and B as you wish (big or small). But on various formats you pick which set you want to use. For DVD, you can set it to play the quad-polar "A" surrounds, but on SACD you have it set to use the direct radiating "B" surrounds. Like I said, I never used it as I never had room for two sets of surrounds in my room. I'm guessing that was a common choice so they got rid of the extra surround option once 7.1 became the standard. They would need tons of posts if they adopted the same options for a 7.1 system. But, you would be the only guy (or gal) on the block with a freaking 14.1 system! Or if SirQuack got involved with this, a 14.7 system with all his subs. (I got a bad case of woofer envy! )

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire