I've given one "official" audition. It resulted in a sale. The buyer contacted me via PM here, so I don't know if Axiom was involved in directing him to me or not.

I asked the buyer to mention my name if/when he was going to buy. He said he would. He emailed me a couple of weeks later to say that he had bought Axioms and that he did remember to tell them that I had done an audition.

I then emailed Axiom to confirm the details, and they promptly responded that they were aware of it, and that I should expect the gift certificate a couple of weeks after the 30-day trial period ends. Makes sense to me.

About a week past the buyer's 30-day trial, I got an email from Axiom with my Gift Certificate number & details.

I then turned right around and used it buy a pair of QS8's. \:\) So that was an hour of my time well spent.

If the buyer forgot to mention you, I'd just email Axiom about it and ask.

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office