Thanks again everyone for your thoughts. I have my VP150 on top of my Toshiba 50HX83 RPTV and I angled it down towards my listening position by placing the rubber feet provided with my M80's (using spikes) under the rear of the speaker. I can hear and understand dialogue fine; it's not a bad speaker, it's just that it seems at times, especially with concert dvd's, that the vocals aren't what I'd like them to be. Prior to the Axioms I used five NHT Superone's (a speaker that I still think had great bang for the buck), and maybe because they were all the same, the vocals just seemed clearer. Like I said, maybe it's just me.

I do agree with John K. about not putting the speakers behind the screen. I am going to keep the speakers to the side of the screen. Maybe I'll do just center channel behind the screen, or I'll just forget the A/T screen altogether and place the center under a standard screen. Decisions, decisions. At this rate I'm never going to get off the ground with this theater build idea. Although I do have most of it framed out at this point. That's a start anyway.