I thought of posting this thread because Spiff said that Finding Nemo was the first title he really heard back surround info while watching. I could not believe this statement, so I thought of some titles that I think have amazing back surround sounds. See if you agree with me:

Gladiator: Chapter 8- Maximus throws a sword from the back channel
LOTR Fellowship: Chapter 35-The troll comes in the room through the 6th channel.
Atlantis Lost Empire: Chapter 1-Right after the begining explosion, the ships pass through all three back channels.
Haunting: Chapter 17- The bangs and booms come from behind Eleanor while she is running
Toy Story 2: Chapter 9- Al leaves the room with the camera centered on Woody. Al goes from the center to the left front to the left surround then to the back where he slams the door.
Chapter 16- The light pole comes crashing down from the back after the group crosses the street.

If anyone has any other standout back surround effects films, post them here with specific scenes!