So I noticed a huge bump in video processing on the 3808 vs. the 663, and today experienced a watershed moment with network music over the 3808, verily sweetness incarnate, yet my karma continues with regard to a quick fix (SD TV died in August 2008, so I decided to upgrade to HDTV/Surround sound) gravitating into a slow burn: my daughter came home from school and I wanted to demonstrate how cool Rhapsody on HDTV could be, and we listened to one song she wanted to hear and then I noticed that the image of the GUI had burned in, from top to bottom and left to right (i.e., "Denon, Now Playing" being just a tiny particle of the burned in image), even though the GUI quite impressively shut itself off quicker than any I have seen (e.g., Samsung, Sony, Directv). Ran the left to right burn in solution (black to grey to white) on the samsung and the image retention was gone in less than a minute (of course); however, it seems I have to finally get around to calibration, I've been too busy putting out other fires up until this point yet of course have planned to do so all along, the calibrated set I viewed when I first decided to purchase looked beautiful.

I noticed tonight that when the Denon volume/db increase appears on the screen during playback, it is much brighter (heavy duty white numerals, supposedly bright white is the worst culprit with regard to plasma burn in) than anything I have seen now or previously on Directv and blu ray. I have never experienced ANY image retention or burn in issues EVER since September 2008 until now, and the white network logos in Directv seem positively faded by comparison to the Denon volume info, and the white or grey Denon screensaver is totally faded out, as if they understand the problem, yet appear to have missed the issue with regard to the internet music GUI, which naturally hangs around longer than the rest of the menu options. Makes me wonder why the music menu is so bright, will have to study if it's just Rhapsody, however, the representation of volume increase/decrease clearly appears pretty over the top as well, of course that goes away fast and leaves no image.

This all relates to plasma of course, anyone out there with a plasma and a 3808 noticed any image retention issues. AVS forum suggests the Kuros are immune after the first 50-100 hours (but don't they cost an arm and a leg? I think the 58PZ800U would be a more relevant comparison, but that's AVS for ya, wild West stuff).

Thanks all,

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."