Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
My question is, why aren't his PSBs doing this? My 15 year old, $350, Sony two-way towers make me check to see if I'm in ProLogic making the center channel play or it if is just the phantom imaging.

No, not like that. My PSBs have a great image in general terms, and I have listened to many speakers in many price ranges. I often can't recall if my center is one, and the band is wide, and instruments detailed and distinct. I am familiar with that. I don't know how to explain, but this was just a very different experience. Reminded me of my experience with Wilson Watt Puppies (I think?) and a truck load of Krell amps. Just a level of immersion that is not the norm. It had to be the DACs and Tube Amps and...stuff, right?

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire