Peter has a good list.
 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
Master and Commander has been one of my top picks for a long time now.

I just re-watched this (first time on BR) and have to move it higher on my list. It presents a fantastic example of real world sounds, as opposed to sci-fi sounds – i.e., 19th Century cannon v. 29th Century Plasma Ray Gun. While much is made of the cannons, and rightfully so, there are other events of equal demo quality. Beyond explosions and shattering wood, the subtle surround sounds are immersive and critical to the story. The below-deck scenes could be filmed in a garage, but the sound of running water along the hull and waves pounding the side should envelope you. Not to mention, the visuals are a black level torture test – don’t demo this disk if you want to impress the friends with your K-Mart LCD. [Don’t get offended, just kidding…but seriously, don’t do it.]

 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
LOTR series has to be near the top. It's full of amazing visuals & wonderful audio.

Absolutely true for the DVD realm. I have not seen on Blu-Ray (if available). For DVD it is way up there. Again, it is sci-fi sound, so you can’t say “my speakers make the authentic sound of an Ork with a war hammer in his foot” but fun none the less.

(Kids, You can never please them. “I like Orks, I like Orks…O’h Noooo not the Ork!” She was a heck of a babysitter though.)

 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
The storming of Omaha beach in Saving Private Ryan is an incredible scene to demo. It's certainly not for everyone, but the brutal visuals combined with great surround mixing make for a powerful experience.

One of my all time favorite films, and a long time first grab on the demo shelf. BUT, I don’t think it holds up to some of the new material in terms of demo/reference material. [I just realized it was on BR, and I am ashamed to admit I have not watched the BR.] Assuming the audio was not re-mastered from the DVD I find it less exacting and authentic than some of the modern films. The landing scene is chaotic, but not as precise as Black Hawk Down. The P-51 tree-top fly by with 50-cals wailing resulting in a tank explosion feet in front of the main character [out of breath] always leaves me wanting more. I’ve had the privilege of hearing a P-51 buzz a crowd and it is a glorious sound. The DVD just kinds sounds like any plane. Again, fantastic film for the ages, love every minute of it. As a demo disk, just a bit off its game.

 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
The Dark Knight. The latest Batman has some pretty amazing stuff in it. The gritty darkness of the filming is a workout for the dark levels in your HDTV.

Clearly my current favorite demo disk. Almost every scene has something worthy of wowing the visitor or testing your gear (visually and sonically). I don’t recall any scenes that are bass torture tests, but again, realistic sounds abound – buildings exploding, trucks flipping, guns, rockets, etc. One of my favorite scenes will test the mid-bass and up in your system. If you highs or mids can be driven to harshness (or your amp lacks the dynamic muscle to keep up) you will find out when Batman tests his toy Gatling Gun. I have compared it to the real deal, and while the dB level is acceptably off, the sonic magic is worth the price of the BluRay.

(This DIY project was tricky. The wife was not pleased with this addition to the Family Truckster. But regardless of what the TAF said in the indictment, the gun was for HT comparison only, not to take over of the subdivision and declare it the independent nation of Zimland. I'm going to add a mahogany veneer to the gun this weekend so it will match my sub.)
Random Opinion: If an M80 is not overly bright, or overly harsh in this scene, then, in my humble opinion, you would be challenged to call their sound flawed or harsh, as opposed to having a very detailed presentation.

 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
The Fifth Element stays near the top of my list for demo material,

One of my favorite DVDs and most disappointing BluRays. The DVD had better visuals and sound than the first version of the BR. I read that they re-released the BR after spending more than 6 minutes on the transfer, but I don’t see a need to give them my money again. Again, a film with scifi sounds and visuals, so you can enjoy it and demo it, but it is hard to use as any kind of reference point. Brilliant film aside from the BR issue.

 Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
There's a film called Baraka that is simply stunning.

I keep hearing about this film but have not seen it for rent. Perhaps I have to buy it.

To this list I would add Star Wars, pick your DVD. The pod race in the first episode (I mean fourth, but really first??) is digital surround candy. But my favorite is the meteor chase in Attack of the Clones. The depth of some of the passages goes well below my system’s capabilities. I’d like to hear from ep800 owners (or Sir Quack’s 7.19 system) as to how low the scene gets. I feel I am missing a lot.

Finally, my demo disk that replaced Saving P Ryan is Black Hawk Down. Part of it is probably sentimental, as this was the first film documenting the experience of my generation in the annals of war (if you ignore Jean-Claude Van Damme's Universal Soldier, which I do). But here again you have a good deal of reference material. The helicopter launch scene is fantastic and sonically accurate, although the helos lack a bit of throb/oomph on my system. The exhaust of the engines has some bass to them in reality, but I don’t get enough of it at home - more zip sound. Another favorite scene is Ridley Scott’s Apocalypse Now homage where Delta team members ride outside the helo as it crests the beachfront just as Stevie Ray Vaughn’s Voodoo Chile starts cranking over the sound of the rotor blades. Great scene in so many ways. The rest of the film is equally dynamic, but what I find of reference utility is the need to track the action in three dimensions, relying on the audio. Shots come from above and behind, trucks approach from off camera so you anticipate their arrival as the soldiers do. And the gun fights use the unique sound of each weapon to help your track the fight while visually, one party is off screen. An exhausting, sad, film, but surround sound reference material.

[Note: This 'reviewer' has a pet-peeve about the use of completely inaccurate sounds in movies. A Ferrari in a chase scene does not sound like a ’85 Crown Victoria, nor does a bread delivery truck. (Don’t even get me started on why the Ferrari can’t outrun the bread truck!) A 9mm pistol does not sound like an assault rifle and a punch to the face does not sound like a firecracker. Every weapon makes a unique sound and you can track accurate sounds in a fight just as easily as if you could hear the character’s voice. Accurate sounds help build a three dimensional image. Sadly, Miami Vice has one of the best examples of this. In the final firefight (cause Miami Vice must end as such) each actor has a unique weapon, from handguns, to assault rifles, to shotguns, to sniper rifles. Each sounds very different and you can locate actors off screen by the sound of their weapons. It adds to the suspension of disbelief that is essential. Well, not in Miami Vice, but as a theoretical principle.]

End of diatribe. Wow that was loooonnng. Where do I collect my free ep800 for the forum's longest unread post?

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire