Originally Posted By: JonHan
I have the 1909 (actually 789,same thing) running my M80's, VP150 and QS8's. It can play very loud and long and stay cool to the touch. I had the same experience with the 1905. The 1909 has no pre-outs, but does support all HD sound formats.

I guess you cannot hear what you do not have to compare, but I've heard several, Soundofmind for one, say he was able to hear a noticeable increase in sound quality in the low to mid-range vol. level, due to the better processors in his 2808 vs. his previous 1909. I don't imagine you had a chance to listen to a higher grade AVR, but would you say that you are vey happy with the SQ you achieve, low through high?

What size is your room? Mine is 31 x 23 (as many are tired of hearing ;o)

It is very good to hear from one with the same set up.

PS. Is it true that the 3808 goes to '11', not '10' like all other known amps in the world? (Spinal Tap)


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."