Periodically, I have been reading about "strange" handshake issues with HDMI video in various applications. Now I have actually experienced it myself, or at least my son has. He has an XBox 360 plugged in to a monitor via HDMI(video only) when all of a sudden one day when he put the game on pause to switch to another source on the television, when he switched back, the game had come out of pause and returned to the beginning! We tried changing all sorts of connections, cable changes etc. and nothing changed. As strange as it may seem the HDMI connection was affecting the physical operation of the player! For awhile, he switched to component where the problem was eliminated, however, just this week, he decided to switch back to the HDMI cable and TV connection to see what would happen and low and behold, everything worked fine again!

Try to figure that one out. We couldn't.