Hey Luc,

Forgive me - I remember thinking that your home is lovely, but do not recall just how much space you have to fill. My recollection is that you have a large, open floor plan with your listening area adjoining other parts of the house.

These types of questions usually come down to a few points: How big is your room? What percentage of your listening is music v. movies? How loud do you listen?

I agree that PSB makes wonderful products. That model looks like it has a good design. I have not heard it. The only thing that matters is that you are happy.


That is not a particularly powerful amplifier. In addition, the enclosure is quite small. The combination of those things makes me think that it might not be terribly successful in "pressurizing" a large, open space.

I believe that Jay (jakewash) noted quite a difference in his overall satisfaction with M22's after upgrading his sub. Since it seems that you DO watch a lot of movies and have expressed concern about the "fullness" of the M22 soundstage, it is very possible that a larger and/or more powerful sub would give you not only better performance from the M22's, but also significantly deeper effects.

Perhaps you could find someone near you that has a very powerful subwoofer (even if it is not Axiom) and you could audition some movie material that you know well.

I can't help but think that an EP350 or EP500 would make quite a large difference for you.

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