OK, we've trashed our least favorite movies in another thread...how about our faves? Not the ones we like to use to show off our systems, but the ones that move us, make us laugh, or just plain entertain us.

I'll start...but since I don't think you can compare comedies to dramas, I will categorize my faves.

Comedies--Dr. Strangelove (the quintessential black comedy), Young Frankenstein, A Fish Called Wanda, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Drama--To Kill a Mockingbird, The Green Mile, Lawrence of Arabia

Sci Fi/Fantasy--LOTR, 2001, Alien, 12 Monkeys

Animation--Fantasia, Heavy Metal, The Nightmare before Christmas (Danny Elfman was completely hosed for not winning an oscar for this one!)

Movies nobody has heard of--Pi, Happiness


"Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff"