Serious listening or casual. On the casual side, I can't stand a silent house. Sometimes I think I have a bit of ADD as I'm so easily bored. My hands and brain are not comfortable idle.

Radio comes on as soon as we get up via living room M60s.

Random tunage (my flac library or Internet radio) via living room M60s plays as soon as we get home and continues until we retire downstairs to the TV and/or PC or we head up to bed.

Not counting the movie rentals, I watch about 4-6 hours of TV per week but it's via the downstairs HT setup. You kind of forget about how much it improves even regular TV until you visit somebody and listen to just TV speakers or something thrown together.

I also PVR every concert I see in the TV listings, even stuff I don't recognize. I may skip a bunch of songs then decide to delete it, but at least I have tried something new.

I usually have music playing while I read too. Might be speakers or headphones, depending on what else is happening in the house.

Serious listening happens a couple of times a week. Any time I get new music or I am just in the mood. I'd add movie rentals as serious listening as well. Even Sharon's basic drama's are being produced with some pretty serious soundtracks these days.

Last edited by Murph; 03/30/09 02:42 PM.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.