I've actually been looking into acoustics for my room before I get my system. By all accounts most say that room accoustics are the most over looked and one of the most important parts of a system. The most expensive high end systems will sound like crap with bad accoustics... Most seem to recommend balancing between reflection and absorbtion and warn against making a room accoustically "dead"... It appears dampening the primary and secondary reflections have the greatest impact and that you typically want to absorb in the front of the room and diffract in the back of the room. Even though I'm just a novice I'd bet that all those folks complaining about Axiom speakers being "bright" are really describing their room accoustics, since not everyone seems to find this / agree. Properly adjust the room accoustics and violas the Axioms are no longer bright but totally neutral, and revealing. I think it makes sense for speakers with the qualities of the Axioms to easily appear bright with the wrong accoustics....?

Here's some sites for your purusal:











http://www.audioperfectionist.com check out the Free Journal section either 1 or 2 has an HT article and how to set up speakers and accoustically treat a room. This guy makes a number of interesting points I'll likely ask advice / opinions on from the local forum experts
at some point.

Good Luck, El