Well, I'm not really much of a gamer.

I play a Ghost Recon game and Tiger Woods Golf mostly, but I wouldn't want to move to a new platform and lose (or have to re-buy) what I have. The fact that I don't use my XBox much makes it more annoying that it dies with little use, yet I can live without it for a month or two and it's no big sacrifice.

Joyce told me over the weekend that she wants a Wii, because several friends were discussing how much they like Wii fit. She's on the treadmill everyday, so I know that "working out" thing is not a passing fad like it would be for me!

I know nothing about the Wii, but will probably get one this week anyway.

That'll leave me with two out of three, Murph, with the PS3 the only one I WON'T have! \:\)

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::