
DoBot ToDos (rarely use it) (use it *all* the time)
Sportacular (during Football season, I use it a lot)
G-Spot (rarely use it)
Level (surprisingly useful)
GPS Kit (rarely use it)
Pandora (Fantastic)
Public Radio (Fantastic)
CubeCheater (solves Rubik's Cubes - amazing demo of iphone + math = winner)
Shazam (Not really useful, but fun for showing off an iphone)

Spore (fun, but it gets old quickly)
Enigmo (great little game)
iShoot (nice little time waster)
Sol Free (it's solitaire, nuff' said)
Lux Touch (sort of like Risk)
S.deadbeef (side-scroller shooter)
FieldRunners (tower defense)
Topple (like Tetris, but better)
FlightControl <--- Most addictive game yet for the iPhone, I think. My current time-waster du jour. \:\)

I've downloaded many more over the past couple of years, but these have found permanent residence on my iPhone. And yes, I love my iPhone (both of them, my wife now uses my old v1 8GB). I've had dozens of PDA's and PDA-phones, from the original Palm Pilot, Psion's, Sony Palm's, PPC2000, PPC2002, WindowsMobile, Zaurus Linux, Tero's, Blackberry's, Nokia's, etc. All had +'s and -'s. But the iPhone is, by a long shot, the best of the bunch.

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office