Hi, New to this forum. Hope I am not breaking any rules or in the wrong place.

Anyways I am looking for a sound system for a small bedroom. I currently have a 5.1 qunitet klipsch system downstairs. I love how this system plays music out of all speakers giving that surround effect. But am not happy with the quality of music the quintets provide

What I am wondering is would it be practical to rig up multiple m3 v2 book shelf speakers to create a similar effect. In addition if this is not practical what would be a better solution. Keep in mind the is only for music. No movies of video games.

Also Im wondering about the quality of these speakers for music only. I mainly listen to stuff like Pink Floyd,Phish,Grateful dead. I also listen to classic and jazz.

Thank you very much for your time. I am new to the audio community and Have become increasingly discourage with the lack of info I can find on the matter.

Last edited by justin22; 05/10/09 04:17 AM.