"Macho macho man-I wanna be a macho man"

Come on Ken, sing it with all us macho men!

After your reply to me in the "Sack" thread (you know the one) which, btw, I sincerely apologized to that gentelman for, I vowed to myself not to "stir the pot" by replying to you nor to ever reference it again. But since you've decided to concern yourself yet again here in this thread with your subliminal reference to me-here goes.....

I'm not the Anti-Christ that you think I am. I love and respect my wife as much as anyone, including you, believe it or not (and yes she does share my enthusiasm for audio). And I'm sure fmowry feels the same way about his significant other too (if he has one). I also have the utmost respect for other peoples "significant others". So please stop trying to paint some of us as
In reply to:

lowly wife

wife/woman haters with "good ole boy attitudes".

You're getting all worked up over a friggin' JOKE, for cryin' out loud. Now, you don't have to like it and you certianly have a right to say that you don't like it but this little crusade of yours is getting a bit tidious.

Do you police other boards for what you beleive to be off color jokes and errent attitudes or is this board the extent of your jurisdiction? Let us know what other kinds of humor bothers you and all of us "me-macho-man" types will try our best to refrain from refering to them.

And if this is a result of you not "being at your friendliest in the morning" then perhaps you should wait till the afternoon to post.

You say,
In reply to:

come on, people!

I say, come on down off that soapbox for a while. Now, we can keep stiring this cauldron or we can call it quits. I vote we call it quits.

To anyone esle reading this post: I'm sorry you had to see this but there's nothing more to see so lets disperse.

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.