I have hung my speakers from the ceiling via small chains for years.. I run the speaker wire either up to the ceiling, or back to the back wall.. Very neat clean appearance from the front, and no speaker stands to buy or have to deal with..
The sound is great, as there is nothing close to the speaker to interfere with the sound waves..
I have an older set of non-ported Sansui's hanging in the pool room, and my VP 150 is flying above the Mits as we type.. But the M80's proved to be my Waterloo, as they are so picky with placement I just have not be able to find their 'hanging' sweet spot...
Use small screw-eyes to attach the chain to the speaker, and swag hooks or screw-eyes with toggle bolts thru the ceiling..
Don't worry about the ceiling not holding the weight.. As I said, I had my 80's swinging for a while with no problems.. Those are 57 lbs !

LFE ! The rest is just details..