Originally Posted By: Golden
Dean, thanks for that breakdown. At $200 it might be a worthwhile investment once I get into my new place. Then again, that $200 could go a long way towards a very nice sub upgrade... hmmm, decisions, decisions. I guess I'll see what the neighbors are like, and then make the call.

As a side note, this is gonna be in a hell of a small room. About 10x9x9, so I could probably get a pretty small sub and still have a huge effect due to room gain and characteristics. Thankfully the room will be dedicated to HT and music.

Small room or not, a bigger sub with a bigger driver will generally play lower and give you lots of rumblies for movies. I used to have an HT in a 10x10 room and used my Hsu VTF3 mkII to good effect.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose