In fact, a regular/senior member of this forum recommended the HK 525 based solely on the fact that while Denon 3083 and Hk 525(the models i looked at) were comparable, one matched better with the other, for the reason one was bright and one wasnt. I did my research and found indepent sources claiming this fact. I was attempting to relay this information. If you think i was out of place for relaying my research, so be it. I did at no point claim i listened to them. I stated clearly this was only what i had read.

If you disagree with the fact that recievers can be bright and warm, then our opinions differ.

"I believe you would be doing your fellow Axiom board members a greater service by supporting your assertions with personal experience or scientific data rather than simply relating the disembodied mutterings of god-knows-who from god-knows-where"

If i cant 'provide' such a service, then my best help is to offer what information i have read.

In any case listen to these recievers yourself, and make your own opinion.

Once You Pop You Can't Stop