I have been looking back at my previous posts here and have decided I have to write this. I went back and looked at all of my posts and began to think about my experiences with axiom. It began with looking at my first posts about how excited I was when I ordered and has grown into I need to write this and if anyone else has had similar experiences please post as well.

Way back in 2005 I was looking at getting new speakers. I had an old home theater in a box. One day I happened into a high end speaker store just for the heck of it. BIG MISTAKE!!! I had no idea speakers could sound like THAT! Then I got sticker shock and my hopes and dreams were dashed. Then I began looking at speakers online. All I kept seeing were these ads for Axiom and how people seemed to love them. I then joined the axiom forums and began asking questions. Everyone on the forum was amazing with all of their help and advice. I never once felt like I was being pushed toward the axiom product. I asked about this speaker and that speaker against the axioms and got honest input. That was indication one that there might be something to these after all. At that time purchasing anything online was a scary thing to do, but I figured with the 30 day trial what the heck. So I finally got the nerve to click that last button and purchase the axioms. I spent a few days on the boards all excited and asked when I might recieve them. Then Amie came on to tell me when I would recieve them. That was cool! It was very quick. I believe I ordered and it was on the truck the same day out. I recieved them in two days I believe. I went home and spent the next few hours unboxing and hooking up speaker wire. Then excitedly turned them on. WHAT THE?? was my first reaction. The sub sounded like it was going to explode, shook the house and just sounded way not right and all the other speakers just didn't quite sound right either. So back to the boards again. I asked many questions and everyone did a wonderful job explaining how I needed to calibrate the speakers and the sub using a spl meter and how to get rid of my ground loop noise that Alan came on the board to answer for me. At this point I thought, at least they are amazing with cusomer support. I hadn't even called them and here they are coming to me answering my questions on the forum of all places. So I get the spl meter do my calibration albeit rough and then WOW!!!! What a night and day difference. I spent every day the next few weeks it seems putting in different movie scenes and music and realizing how much of the movie I was missing. I then moved into a new house and my father and I built a theater room. I asked questions about room acoustics, sound proofing, and speaker placement. There were more than enough willing participants to help with my questions. Then my sub develped a rattle. I think it had been there for a while, but I had mistaken it for rumbling furniture. I called axiom and they replaced it just like that. I know it was under warranty, but from my experiences most companies look at you as if you did something wrong and try to find any way to make it void and you have to pay for it. So after that I decided that all of my speaker purchases would be axioms. I have since bought m2's for my other room, but I am dying to upgrade to the m80s. I have many people hear them and love them. I am a proud owner and I can't tell you how many times I have come home from a movie and said, "It would have sounded better in my theater at home." With the support and knowledge I get from axiom and the forum I have become a loyal axiom customer for life. Thank you to all of those that have helped me on the forum over the years and Thank you Axiom for making a product that makes a man smile everyday!

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center