Using the following. Totally amazed!

M80Ti Mains, Adcom GFA 5500 325 watts @ 4 ohms
M60Ti Rears, Adcom GFA 5006 Bridged 3x175 @ 8ohms
VP150 Center, Running on Adcom GFA 5006
QS-8 (will order after 1st of year, run on GFA 5400 200 watts @ 4 ohms

I love the adcom amps and there are some great deals to be had on them. Expample, Picked up the big 5500 for $560 on ebay! The 5400 was $285 ebay, and the 5006 off for $515.

Several other recommendations in the close price range are the Acurus, Rotel, and Parasound amps. If you have the money there are some serious high end amps out there but for my needs and budget the Adcom's work very well. Friend of mine runs Acurus amps and swears by them also.

Good luck on your amp decision. Also be sure to use HIGH End RCA interconnects to the amps you buy, this makes a WORLD of difference. Canare or Audioquests are just a few.
