Hi Haleob, I just looked at the Aperion systems. It seems they all consist of multiple two-way bookshelf speakers. If that's what your relative want then you could easily build the same system with M2s'or M3's or M22+M2 for less.

Aperion Booshelf $180 therefore 180 X 7= $1260 + sub

or Axiom:

M2's $128 X 7 = $896 + sub this looks like the closest equivalent to the aperion system

M3's $138 x 7 = $ 966 + sub

M22 $400 + 5 M2's = $1040 + sub

This is assuming he's looking for an all round bookshelf system which may be better for DVD-A or SACD. However, for HT certainly the Epic grand would be better.

Fortunately for him when he listens to your M80's he'll have a good idea of what he can expect....

Unfortunately it look like Aperion is Internet only like Axiom so it wouldn't appear they could be auditioned in a store as someone mentioned. However, they appear to have an even more tempting return policy than Axiom. FREE return shipping. So it wouldn't be to bad to order both Aperion and Axiom systems and compare them at home. Like others have said odds are it would be the Aperions being sent back, and this wouldn't even cost a dime.

Also I've heard Pioneer has a DVD-A/SACD/DVD-video player out for around $173 and has been said to be quite good particularily given the price. Just can't remember the model number.....
