Hey Murph, I am glad you're having a good time with the drums!!

I am involved with writing some Pop/Rock tunes with a band I am in. I am the designated engineer, producer, drummer, and mixer for all of our stuff. Its alot of work, but I am determined to work hard to become a success.

I have finished mixing 3 of our songs which I played drums for. And we have an EP coming out soon (which I am also mixing).

All these mixes were done on M22 speakers, so I can't wait for the axiomites to hear how they sound on THEIR speakers ;\)

Just to let you all know, I found a killer deal on a Hafler P3000 today, delivers 200 wpc into 4 ohms, and 150 wpc into 8 ohms, also can be bridged to provide 400 wpc. Anyways, found a guy that is desperate to unload his gear in Hollywood, $200 is the final price I negotiated!!! Thats a great price for a convection cooled rackmount amp with some great reviews online. Hafler seems to have a loyal following. I'll have to take some pics of my setup for you guys sometime.

I miss posting on these boards, I have just been to busy with school, this band thing, the EP, blah blah blah. Once we are rich and famous I'll have more time ;\) (I think).


Producer | Composer