This hdmi cable BS has got to be the biggest scam of all time. BTW good link on the marketplace report,i love seeing those bozo's put on the spot.

My local brick tried this on me not so long ago. I go in to do a little window shopping and this nice looking young girl comes up and asks if i would like to demo a monster cable next to a standard cable. She puts finding nemo bluray in to 2 identical bluray players and turns on 2 identical 1080p samsung panels.Next the sales girl turns on the bluray with the monster cable and of course it looks really good(for an lcd ) next she fires up the second bluray with the standard cable and it looks like total shit. I'm like wtf, no way this can be . She has to take off for a minute so i lean behind the sets and here they have one set with an monster hdmi and the other is connected with composite. Im like holy hell, what a scam. I lost all respect for that store and have not shopped there since, and i tell the story to anyone who will listen.

Im so glad im not in that racket cause seriously those kind of salesman have a bad rep and i am just not wired like that.Unfortunately there is no real markup with the panels, all the profit is in the add ons, just the nature of the beast i suppose.


DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry