Originally Posted By: Micah
I'm beginning to think Zimm is right, maybe I should have just sent this thing back.

Am I the only person that sees a problem with this? \:o Home Theater was plug and play before that even existed. You don't have to rebuild your sub to get it to work. Hell I'm shocked beyond belief Axiom has not insisted you accept a new model just to kill this damn forum saga. Then again, I only own the QS8 so I have consumed much less Kool-Aid.

(but I have a lot of stuff stamped Monster Cable, so I may have built up an immunity to Kool-Aid)

Apropo of nothing, my $50 Monster Cable digital coax cable (from 2001 but never used until last week) does not work at all. $50 for a cable as thick as a python and it can't relay 1|0|0|0|1. WTF. A metal coat hanger could pull that off - right John?

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire