He could do much better than Prime Minister, he could be a Hockey Referee. They have way more power.

I wanted to listen at home last night before I commented and I must say, I Like It, Robb!!

I really like "Somebody's Her". I'm not sure how you'd describe it but a strong rhythm with just a bit of blues influence with a hint of bar-room funk guitar mixed in the background is a sound I've been looking around for more lately.

All the songs are surprisingly strong for a first release. Also, even with the lower myspace quality, the production sounds way better than most "hey my buddy has a mixer in his basement." bands you find out there on the Myspace and Facebook pages.

Finally, I have learned just enough about percussion that I can listen and tell when a drummer is throwing in his own rhythms on the high hat like on Somebody's Her and when your throwing a multitude of mini-fills and beat changes in to the mix instead of just keeping an old fashioned 3/4 rock and roll beat as seen in "Blood Red Moon" and "Static".

I'll be ordering your EP for sure. I think a link for "signed copies" is expected here too.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.