The Parasound HCA-1000A amp and PHP-850 pre-amp retail for a combined price of $900, and they are asking $500. This sounds like a great deal...but is it?
I don't see many of the normal discount on-line companies selling this product, so it is hard to say the normal discounting that should take place (I was looking at a Yamaha RX-V1400 was offerred new at $556 (without warranty) listed for $800). This package is used however, and might not be working properly now.

Is there a transferable warranty on items like this... even if they were originally bought from an authorized dealer?
Is there any way to protect yourself from someone selling an improperly working piece of equiment.
Is it safe buying items from an online site like AudiogoN?
(I guess you could use American Express, and if not happy let them know..I don't think credit cards settle transactions before ~30 days)

I want an amp or receiver to power two Axiom M60 or 80 speakers.
I don't have any home theater set up at this time.

I would like to buy it if it was a good deal, but I have never purchased anything from this type of site before, and my level of comfort isn't too great.
Can anyone provide feedback on the quality of this combination for my purposes, and how you would proceed in purchasing it