Hi Guys:

Thanks for the very valuable information you've been providing in this forum. I have learned a lot reading your answers and really appreciate the sense of comraderie that prevails around here. I have recently ordered Axiom speakers (Epic Grand Master -500; 5.1 system) (which I will be getting sometime late next week) and will order tomorrow a brand new SC-25. I would like to know if any of you have a similar speaker/receiver set up and, if so, what advice you would give me on how to run the full MCAC set up. Neither wiring or speaker positioning are issues for me, but since I have never even owned a receiver, this is all going to be new to me (although I am not tech challenged). Incidentally, I will be hooking these to a Samsung 55" LCD (7100 model), a Directv HD DVR Plus ("cable" box) and a Samsung blue-ray player. I will use HDMI cables to connect these sources. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and keep on posting.

Last edited by DrJ357; 09/28/09 11:40 PM.