Originally Posted By: BigHonu
While I am still moving stuff around and adjusting things here and there, these things helped to improve the experience in my room:

1) Moving the sub around until I found a good position. Did the crawl, moved some furniture, and ended up with a good spot right next to the couch. While the sound is only marginally better with a tad less boominess in music, the impact from having the sub so close to the couch adds to my movie watching experience.

2) Tweaking the toe-in on my LR channels. They are not directly facing me, but would intersect behind me somewhere. Stereo maging is better defined. I'm still playing with this one.

3) Getting a more level soundstage by keeping the LCR speakers around the same height. I used to have the LR speakers below ear level firing up, and the center above ear level firing down. Now all are above ear level firing down. This evened out sound effects that sweep across the front. I'm less aware of where the speakers are.

4) After every set of tweaks (aside from toe-in tweaks) I run Audyssey (MultEq). Until I can learn how to calibrate my system using an SPL meter and other EQ software, Audyssey just plain works for my room. Noticeable diffrence with it on vs. off. I'll lump in DynamicEQ and DynamicVol in here as well. Not perfect, but works pretty damn good!

Next up, I'm going to try and decouple my speakers in the entertainment center from the shelves they sit on. I'm sure at higher volumes, the contents on the shelves are adding some noise.

+1 on all those, except Audy as I don't have it, and lean towards the 'direct' paths when possible. Moving the speakers out "far" into the room helped a bunch; even in my small room it was worth the layout pains. I think Alan has said too much is made of first reflections, but in my small room reducing the first reflections really cleared up the detail and ease of the sound.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire