Thanks, Scott! As I mentioned, I've got a few UPS units sitting in my basement, needing a battery change. I'm going to check into that trade-ups program a bit more to see what I can get for them in comparison to replacing the batteries, but have a question:

I've read before that some types of spike protectors actually "wear out" over time... Does anyone know if this applies to UPS units?

In short: If I replace a battery in a two year old UPS, is it as good as new? This would likely determine whether I replace the batts in the ones downstairs or trade them in.

BTW, this is my 5,000th post. I feel an incredibly overwhelming desire to call Jack old, JP crazy, or at least make a fart or booby joke to mark the occasion.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::